
世外桃源,好 房地产,手机版下载出售,学校 & 区域信息

Search homes for sale in Arcadia, Oklahoma and find 世外桃源,好 real estate and houses. 也浏览止赎,公寓 & 带下载巴黎人贵宾厅app Oklahoma的联排别墅.


  • 迈克尔•华莱士
    坐落在标志性的66号公路旁, Arcadia is a small town with big character. 尽管它的规模很大, 阿卡迪亚提供了一个独特的历史融合, 文化, and natural beauty that makes it a must-visit destination for travelers and locals alike. 阿卡迪亚最著名的地标之一是圆谷仓, 一座历史建筑,已成为小镇的象征. 建于1898年, the Round Barn is an architectural marvel and a testament to the ingenuity of early Oklahomans. 游客可以探索谷仓, 了解它的历史, 甚至参加在其独特的圆形墙壁内举行的特殊活动. 阿卡迪亚另一个不容错过的景点是POP的66 Soda Ranch. With its futuristic design and towering soda bottle sign, POP’s is a modern icon on Route 66. 这家餐厅提供来自世界各地的700多种苏打水可供选择, making it a fun and quirky place to grab a bite to eat or pick up a souvenir.

    For those who enjoy the great outdoors, 世外桃源湖 provides the perfect escape. 无论你是否喜欢钓鱼, 划船, 或徒步旅行, 这个湖提供了许多与大自然亲近的机会. The surrounding parks and trails are ideal for a day of family fun or a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. 但真正让阿卡迪亚与众不同的是它温暖的小镇魅力. 这个社区是紧密团结的,游客总是微笑着迎接. 无论你是在探索历史遗迹, 尽情享受当地美食, 或者只是欣赏风景, 阿卡迪亚提供了一个温馨的氛围,让你有宾至如归的感觉. 所以,下次你开车沿着66号公路行驶时,绕道去阿卡迪亚. This quaint town is a hidden gem that showcases the best of Oklahoma’s heritage and hospitality. 无论你是路过还是计划长期逗留, 阿卡迪亚一定会给你留下深刻的印象.
  • 迈克尔•华莱士
    Looking for a 餐厅 experience that’s equal parts delicious and laid-back? 欢迎来到阿卡迪亚的鸡窝! 坐落在标志性的66号公路旁, The Chicken Shack is more than just a 餐厅 - it’s a destination where you can relax, 放松, 还可以品尝到本州最美味的鸡肉菜肴. 当你到达的那一刻, 迎接你的将是风景如画的景色, 拥有一个由参天大树遮蔽的迷人庭院. The ambiance is perfect for a casual meal with family or catching up with friends. With its relaxed, backyard vibe, The Chicken Shack feels like a home away from home.

    Their mission is simple: to create a family-friendly atmosphere where guests of all ages can make lasting memories. 无论你是来这里吃快餐还是悠闲地吃顿饭, they guarantee that our mouthwatering chicken dishes will keep you coming back. From our perfectly seasoned and crispy pressure-fried chicken to our tender and juicy grilled options, 每一口都充满了味道. So, if you’re cruising down Route 66 or simply looking for a new favorite spot, 阿卡迪亚的Chicken Shack餐厅随时欢迎您的光临. 为鸡而来,为体验而留下.
  • 迈克尔•华莱士
    阿卡迪亚圆形谷仓是美国历史上的地标性建筑和旅游景点.S. 俄克拉荷马州阿卡迪亚的66号公路. 它是1898年由当地农民威廉·哈里森·奥多尔建造的. He used native bur oak boards soaked while green and forced into the curved shape needed for the walls and roof rafters. The idea in building a round barn was a curved surface would catch less wind, 与平面相比, 事实上,谷仓经受住了时间的考验. A second level was 公司orporated for use as a community gathering place for dances and other social activities. 圆顶为音乐创造了绝佳的音响效果.

    In the 1920's the newly commissioned Route 66 was aligned through the town, 经过圆形谷仓旁边. In June 1924, a fire in Arcadia destroyed most of the business district, but left the barn intact. 1987年,埃德蒙成立了阿卡迪亚镇. The Round Barn is a beautiful landmark on Route 66 and a vivid part of our local history.
  • Richelle伯恩
    If you haven't been to the 阿卡迪亚的鸡窝 which is their new location off Route 66 I highly suggest adding it to your list! 约会之夜,特别的活动,见见你的朋友,带上孩子! 他们大多数晚上都有现场音乐表演, 里里外外都有很多座位, 孩子们的游乐场, 他们的鸡肉和玛格丽塔酒是无与伦比的. 我喜欢看到我的小镇成长,这是一个值得一游的地方!
  • 詹妮弗字段
    老爷子位于历史悠久的66号公路上,是必去的景点! 汽水农场66号是一个加油站, 餐厅, 便利店, 礼品商店, 还有标志性的目的地. It is most famous for its 66-foot tall soda bottle that is lit up by multicolored LED lights in the evenings. 你会发现里面有一家卖汉堡的餐馆, 薯条, and shakes as well as a huge assortment of bottled soda that lines the walls and fridges. The soda collection offers all kinds of flavors to please any customer at any age.
  • 汤姆Compise
    如果你没去过阿卡迪亚66号公路上的老爷子, 你真的需要去做一次美丽的旅行. 它距离l-35号公路大约10分钟路程. 走I-35,从第二街出口出来. Head east a few short miles past 世外桃源湖 and you can't miss the giant lighted Pop Bottle. 这是带全家去的一个非常独特的地方. The wall of soda is endless and you can mix and match a six-pack (or more) to take home! 他们还有你能想到的各种老式糖果. 在一个美好的日子, 去找老爷子, 点一个汉堡, 薯条, 摇一摇, 坐在外面,孩子们在草地上玩耍. Don't forget to take a trip at night too so you can see the gigantic lit-up soda bottle out front. 那是一个很酷的吃饭的地方!
  • 向当地专家询问有关阿卡迪亚的问题.
    阿卡迪亚是阿卡迪亚湖周围的地区, 包括阿卡迪亚镇, 就在爱德蒙和俄克拉荷马城的东边. 阿卡迪亚湖位于I-35以东,66号公路和I-44号公路之间. 我住在那里,对这个地区非常熟悉.

    这个地区有许多吸引人的地方, 包括圆形谷仓, 历史悠久的66号公路上著名的巨型霓虹灯汽水瓶, 湖的世外桃源, 丰富美丽的风景. If you're thinking you would like to get away from the city and still have all the conveniences of city living, 阿卡迪亚也许正适合你. All the amenities of the city are close by and residents still enjoy a rural atmosphere.

    如果你喜欢野生动物,阿卡迪亚有很多可以提供的. 居民们经常报告看到鹿, 土狼, 火鸡, 鹰派人士, 各种各样的鸟, 山猫, 和更多的. 阿卡迪亚湖甚至还举办了一年一度的“守望鹰”活动. 这个湖提供钓鱼的机会。, 游泳, 划船和滑雪, 步道和马道, 狩猎和更多.

    There are homes in the Arcadia area for almost any budget: prices start in the $200k's, 中间价格在30万美元左右, 还有价格在100万美元以上的豪宅. 许多家庭拥有大片土地或大片土地. 建筑的思考? 同样,几乎任何预算都有一些东西. Acreages range in price from $5,000 per acre to $125,000 per acre and range in size from .25 acre to 80 acre tracts, in subdivided neighborhoods or unplatted properties. 当然,也有滨水房产可供选择. 该地区提供方便前往I-35和所有的购物, 餐厅, 健康, 以及在埃德蒙和俄克拉荷马城提供的其他服务. 所以看看阿卡迪亚吧. 值得一看!
  • 詹妮弗字段
    你喜欢户外活动吗? 你喜欢看日落吗? Do you love peacefulness of fishing or kayaking with the family or by your lonesome? 阿卡迪亚湖位于I-35公路以东,介于第15街和第2街之间. 如果你正在寻找户外冒险,阿卡迪亚湖是一个地方.

    The City of 埃德蒙 Parks and Recreations Departments manages its parks and campgrounds and is also partnered with the University of Central Oklahoma. 如果你需要户外装备来开始你的冒险, 皮艇, 山地自行车, 飞盘和独木舟只是提供的一些东西.
  • 向当地专家询问有关阿卡迪亚的问题.
    在阿卡迪亚湖欣赏美丽的新小径. 你可以通过阿卡迪亚湖的第15街入口进入这条小路. 这条小路适合步行者、跑步者和骑自行车的人. 至少是3.目前是1英里,完成后大约是18英里. Unplug and take the family out to enjoy the outdoors in this serene environment. 你不会后悔的!
  • 向当地专家询问有关阿卡迪亚的问题.
    阿卡迪亚提供了一种接近购物的生活方式, 娱乐, 就业及社会活动, 然而远到足以使乡村永存, 许多人向往的小社区生活方式. 阿卡迪亚有各种各样的住宅, 湖家园, 房子建在大片土地上,很豪华, 到百万豪宅.
  • 简奥图尔
    This area on the outskirts of 俄克拉荷马城 and 埃德蒙 provides some of the most beautiful land in central Oklahoma. 该地区包括东埃德蒙、阿卡迪亚和路德. Whether you want a home in a community or an acreage, this is a wonderful and scenic location. 居住在66号历史公路附近的历史本身就是一个加分项. 探索这个地区,享受Pop's的食物, 然后在阿卡迪亚历史悠久的红谷仓里散步, 当然,不要忘记阿卡迪亚湖的家庭娱乐!




    俄克拉荷马城, OK 73116


    乔克托语的, OK 73020


    埃德蒙, OK 73013